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Norwell Education Foundation

In memory of beloved NPS educator, Mrs. Kelli Meade, the NEF has introduced a scholarship fund to continue her legacy.  Click heart to learn more and contribute.






Since our inception in 1992, the purpose and objective of the Norwell Education Foundation has been to support educational activities and programs that encourage academic excellence for all students in the Norwell public schools. We aim to inspire educators to create innovative ideas that enrich curriculum and empower educators, students, and the community to bring these ideas to life.


Make a


  Make a donation today to the Norwell Education Foundation to help us support academic excellence in the Norwell Public Schools.


Recognize a

Rock Star Educator

Show your appreciation for a teacher, coach, administrator or staff member that has made a positive impact on your child’s education through a contribution to the NEF


Apply for a Grant

The NEF's goal is to fund grants that educate, enrich, and inspire excellence in every student in the public school system. All educators are strongly encouraged to apply.


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Your Donation Makes a Difference!

100% of your donation goes to programs that support Norwell Public Schools




"The fifth grade team has used the Kahoot platform to engage students during remote learning in many ways. We have created math review challenges as well as Science and even ELA/Grammar check-ins. The students love that they can complete at their own pace and see how they measure up against their classmates. As a teacher, I love that students can take a challenge more than once if they want to spend some more time reviewing concepts and then come back and take the challenge again. When students see Kahoot as an activity to be done during their remote time there is always a positive response and complete engagement! We all love this tool and so appreciate the support of the Norwell Education Foundation."

Maura Reilly

5th Grade Teacher at Cole School




"Thank you to NEF and all of the contributors for providing the NMS Physical Education Department with the funds needed to purchase high quality Pickleball rackets for the middle school students. We now have enough rackets so that every student in a Phys Ed class can have their own racket and work on learning and improving on the skills needed to participate in the multi-generational game of Pickleball. The grant from NEF has also given us the opportunity, during the Covid-19 restrictions, to safely offer Pickleball instruction to our students and give them the opportunity to safely participate in the fastest growing sport in the country."

Carolyn Petrell

Physical Education, Norwell Middle School

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"Norwell Middle School is so fortunate to have NEF to help purchase 24 Sphero robots to use in a newly created class, computational thinking, for 7th and 8th graders. This course provides an opportunity for students to use robots to collaborate, learn blocks based coding and move on to learning how to write their own code.  We have loved watching the excitement in students as they learning how to control the robots through their code, problem solve and apply their mathematical knowledge when writing their code.   Thank you NEF for this opportunity."

Jacqui Carton
Instructional Technology Teacher, NMS

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Norwell Education Foundation 

P.O. Box 711

Norwell, MA 02061



Jennifer Burns - President

Elizabeth Perkins - Vice President

Cynthia Lazzaro - Treasurer

Suzanne Dumont-Perez - Secretary

Alicia Bertoni-Hickey 

Sean Kelley

Courtney Suddoth


© 2020 by Sean Kelley. Proudly created with

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